💦 H2–Oh No! Water’s just the start!

Hey there, Reader!


If we were to travel back in time to 8 years ago and peak through the curtain at my doctor’s appointment (don’t worry, that would be super creepy, so we won’t actually do it! 🤪), the conversation went something like this…


Me: “Hey doc. Everything is good but I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately.”


Doc: “Ok. You are perfectly healthy according to all your labs, but let me write you some prescriptions.”


Me: “For what?”


Doc: “I think a sleeping pill could really help. And let’s start you on anti-depressant and anti-anxiety pills.”


You: “Ummm… I’m not comfortable taking prescriptions unless it’s absolutely necessary. Isn’t there anything else I can do?”


Doc: “Get some more sleep and drink more water.”


You: “Ummm….” 👀


Does this sound familiar?

Maybe it’s happened to you. I sure as heck know it’s happened to many women I talk to! In fact, that’s exactly the conversation that sent me down the rabbit hole of DIY-ing my health.


My doctor did give me some half-good advice: drink more water, but the rest of the conversation was a waste of time.


Now, there are so many things wrong with that conversation that we could get into, but for the sake of keeping this email short and sweet, let’s focus on the water piece today, shall we?


You’ve probably been told to drink more water at some point, whether for improving sleep, soothing digestion, increasing weight loss, or something else. Maybe you’ve even heard it from me!


Here’s the thing. Most practitioners mean well with this advice, but they’re not giving you the whole kit and caboodle.


There’s more to hydration than just water and in this week’s blog article, I’m digging into it all. You’ll discover:


đź’¦ The key to unlocking true hydration

đź’¦ Cellular hydration strategies

đź’¦ Actionable steps to take today


Click the button to read the full article or click here.




Have an amazing hydrated week!


Peace, love & kale!


PS – This week is all about proper hydration, but I’m not just talking about water. There’s more to it! And we’re cracking the code in the latest article up on the blog. >>> Read how to crack the hydration code right here.​


PSS – You know that one person in your life who drinks virtually no water? (Yep, you know exactly who I’m talking about!) Hit the “forward” button and send this email to that person. It’s a subtle, but helpful, way to help! Thanks for sharing the love!



2800 E. Enterprise Ave STE 333 Appleton, WI 54913
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