👉🏻 Escape the 90% Club

Hey there, Reader!

I was waiting for a friend at a coffee shop and I overheard the lady next to me…

She told me I have pre-diabetes as I was walking out the door.

I really wasn’t trying to listen in, I promise, but then the next sentence really grabbed my attention…

I didn’t ask any questions or say anything. It wasn’t until I got home that I started to get worried. Why didn’t I ask my doctor what to do next?

That’s not the real question this lady should have been asking.

The real question should have been, “Why didn’t my doctor tell me what to do next?

It’s not your fault that you don’t know what questions to ask.

No one prepares us for these situations.

We expect our doctors to be the experts and tell us exactly what to do next.

And in some cases they do, but in many cases, they leave us more confused than when we arrived.

90% of us suffer from too much glucose in our system – and most of us have no idea it’s an issue. 😳

When it comes to diabetes, which has reached alarming levels and is continuing to rise every year, there is a lot of confusion and a lot of misinformation out there.

Let’s simplify things a bit today.

In fact, even if you don’t have diabetes, you’ll want to keep reading because this topic affects everyone, not just diabetics!

Once I started paying attention to my blood sugar and how it was affecting me (as a person WITHOUT diabetes or even close to prediabetes), I was floored.

It’s not just about what you do or don’t eat, Reader. It’s about how you eat your food.

But, as I said, I’m here to make things easy. Give you an Easy Button if you will…

In the latest blog article, I’m digging into:

✅ Why blood sugar control is important (and what it looks like when it’s outta control)

✅ Signs that you might need some support in that area

✅ 5 really easy (and totally FREE!) things you can do right now to take charge

Don’t miss this article! Click the button below to read it…

And if you’re interested in this topic, stay tuned for later this week, I’m announcing something really cool that I’m SUPER excited about!!

Chat more soon!

Peace, love & kale!


PS – 90% of us suffer from too much glucose in our system – and most of us have no idea it’s an issue. 😳 Check out the latest article on the blog for the deets and get ready to master your blood sugar! >>> Click here to go to the article

PSS – Chances are, the people in your life are in the 90% Club, too. That ends with this email! Please hit the “forward” button and share this with everyone you know! Let’s change the world together! 🖤

*As always, this is not medical advice. Please speak with a qualified practitioner before making dietary and lifestyle changes.

2800 E. Enterprise Ave STE 333 Appleton, WI 54913
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