❌ Dieting Myth: Eating less ≠ weight loss

Hey, Reader!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret from the deep-down inner workings of the weight loss industry – it’s built on a lie.

I know, I know. I’ve read all the nutrition books, watched all the “experts”, heck, I even earned a Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition…they all say the same thing:

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body will burn in a day.

And while technically that’s true, in real life, that doesn’t mean jack-squat.

If it was simply a matter of eating less food, everyone would be skinny, right?! It’s easy to eat less. Just skip a meal or have one less beer.

Here’s the part that might shock you…

I’ve worked with over 200 women and none of them have needed to eat less. 👀

In fact, all of them have needed to eat more food.

Your body isn’t going to let go of fat if it’s not getting enough food. By starving yourself, sure, you can lose weight, but the weight you lose will not be all fat. It will mostly be muscle mass.

Your body will get rid of muscle before fat because conserving fat is a survival technique.

That’s one of the problems with the weight loss drugs currently on the market. Because they’re prescribed at a much higher dose than originally intended during development, they can lead to loss of muscle mass, not necessarily body fat.

I don’t think you’d opt for less muscle just to see a smaller number on the scale, would you?

During a recent coaching session, my client told me a friend posted her “meal plan” on social media and boasted about how much weight she lost. “Do this if you want to lose weight, too!” She said at the end of the post. This is what her “meal plan” was:

Breakfast: 3 eggs

Lunch: 1 grilled chicken breast

Dinner: 1 hamburger patty without the bun

My client told me, “THAT’S NOT ENOUGH FOOD!

She’s totally right.

🚨That’s NOT a meal plan. That’s a plan for disease and a really unhappy, miserable life.

There, I said it.

It’s not your fault. The “experts” should be, well, experts. And this “meal plan” came from a popular weight loss program, supposedly put together by those so-called experts.

Here’s the kicker 👟, I asked my client if she had seen that post last year before we started working together, what she thinks she would have done.

I would have thought ‘DAMN, I need to do THAT!’”

And then she said she would have been “sneaking” cookies late at night because she’d be so hungry.

The secret my client has learned through working with me is that you need to fuel your body right, not starve it. She did the starving thing, and it sucked. She did things using my process and she lost over 25 lbs.

❌Starving yourself doesn’t work.

✅ Nourishing your body does.

SPOILER ALERT: Being healthy doesn’t have to suck!

BTW, what do my clients eat? Most of my clients eat over 2,000 calories every day, some eat up to 2,300 and still lose weight. Here’s an example of what they might eat in a day without weight loss drugs

✅ Overnight oats with Greek yogurt and eggs

✅ Veggies with hummus

✅ Grilled chicken salad with lots of veggies

✅ Almonds and a protein smoothie

✅ Baked salmon with wild rice and veggies

✅ Piece of cake

Yep, my clients still eat dessert if they want to. 🍰

How much better does that meal plan look? 🎊

In this week’s blog article, I wrote all about weight loss drugs and gave my two cents on them.

If you’re considering these drugs to help you lose weight, please do your research so you know what you’re getting into and what options are available. It’s a complicated topic, by design, and it deserves more time than what your doctor will give you in the 10 minutes you spend in her office.

Click the button below to read the full article:

I’m here if you have questions!

Peace, love & kale!

PS – Weight loss drugs are all the rage right now. But are they worth the side effects? That’s for you to decide! In this week’s blog article, I shared my two cents about them and an alternative approach. Don’t miss this article! >>> Click here to read the full article!

*As always, this is not medical advice. Please speak with a qualified practitioner before making dietary and lifestyle changes.

2800 E. Enterprise Ave STE 333 Appleton, WI 54913
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