💥👥 Eating glue won’t get you new friends

Were you a glue eater too, Reader? 🤦🏼‍♀️


One of my earliest memories was of my preschool crew.


We ruled the basement of that church.


We built tunnels out of big padded blocks.


We dug in the sand.


And we ate glue.


(I’m sure my momma is really proud reading this…🤣🤣🤣)


At the time, I had no idea that offering the weird kid sitting next to me a hit from my glue bottle would turn into a friendship, let alone my first kiss a few years later.


As adults, it’s too bad that making friends isn’t as easy as, “Hey, want some glue?”


Or maybe it is.


Maybe I just have the wrong friends…🤣


Humans are and have always been social creatures – connections are essential for both mental and physical health and our overall well-being.


One benefit of connecting with others that is often overlooked has to do with your gut bugs.


So, if eating glue isn’t your thing, how can you make new friends and how do you keep your connections, well, connected?


In this week's article, I'm sharing all about the importance of forming connections and three strategies to up your friend game - no glue required!


You’ll learn:


✨ The benefits to being social as you get older​

✨ What your gut has to do with the term, “For better or for worse”

✨ Three strategies to help you stay connected (that don’t involve eating glue–you’re welcome! 🤪)


Click the link right here or the button below to read the article.




Happy friend-making!


Peace, love & kale!



PS – Did you see the invite I sent out last week to a brand-spankin’ new training I’m hosting on Sept. 26th? I’ll teach you how to Silence Your Sweet Tooth so you can lose weight for good (without Oz*mp*c or giving up all the donuts! 🍩). You’ll walk away with the EXACT process I have used coaching over 200 women to lose serious weight. I’d love for you to join me! >>> Click here for the deets and to save your seat!​



2800 E. Enterprise Ave STE 333 Appleton, WI 54913
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